Quickstart ========== After :doc:`installing ` Glue you will have a new command named ``glue``. You can check if it was correctly installed calling ``glue`` with the ``--help`` option to get the list of all the available :doc:`command line arguments `:: $ glue --help If ``glue`` was correctly installed... Let's create your first sprite! Your first sprite ----------------- Create a new folder (``icons`` in this example), and add as many images as you want. Then you can simply run the following command:: $ glue icons sprites Glue will create a new folder named ``sprites`` with the following structure:: sprites ├── icons.css └── icons.png For example using the gorgeous `famfamfam icons `_ (4.2Mb) you will get the following ``icons.png`` (401Kb). .. image:: img/famfamfam1.png The other file, ``icons.css`` will have all the necessary css classes for this sprite: .. code-block:: css .sprite-icons-zoom_out{ background:url('sprites/icons/icons.png'); top:0; left:0; no-repeat;} .sprite-icons-zoom_in{ background:url('sprites/icons/icons.png'); top:0; left:-16; no-repeat;} .sprite-icons-zoom{ background:url('sprites/icons/icons.png'); top:-16; left:0; no-repeat;} .sprite-icons-xhtml_valid{ background:url('sprites/icons/icons.png'); top:-16; left:-16; no-repeat;} ... And why those CSS class names? ----------------------------------- As you can see, ``glue`` will use both the filename and the sprite name as part of the css class name. You can generate the sprite as many times as you want on any computer and the CSS class related to a specific image will always be the same, so you can create these sprites safely as part of your deployment process without being worried about css class name changes/collisions. .. note:: ``glue`` will only get alphanumeric, ``_`` and ``-`` characters from the filename to create the CSS class name. For example, an imaginary ``animals`` sprite with 5 images will have the following class names. =============== ========================= filename css class name =============== ========================= cat.png .sprite-animals-cat dog2.png .sprite-animals-dog2 cat_blue.png .sprite-animals-cat_blue dog-red.png .sprite-animals-dog-red dog_(white).png .sprite-animals-dog_white =============== ========================= If for any reason two images are to generate the same CSS class name, an error will be raised. .. note:: All CSS class names generated by ``glue`` will also have a namespace ``sprite-`` in the beginning. This namespace could be changed using the ``--namespace`` option. Crop unnecessary transparent spaces ----------------------------------- Usually designers add some unnecessary transparent space around the images because it is easier for them to work with a larger canvas. ``glue`` can optimize our sprite by cropping all the unnecessary transparent spaces that the original images could have before merging the images into the sprite. .. image:: img/crop.png .. code-block:: bash $ glue icons sprites --crop The new ``icons.png`` (348Kb) will be 53Kb smaller. .. image:: img/famfamfam2.png Now, the css file will have the new coordinates but using the same css class names! .. code-block:: css .sprite-icons-zoom{ background:url('sprites/icons/icons.png'); top:0; left:0; no-repeat;} .sprite-icons-wrench_orange{ background:url('sprites/icons/icons.png'); top:0; left:-16; no-repeat;} .sprite-icons-wrench{ background:url('sprites/icons/icons.png'); top:-16; left:0; no-repeat;} .sprite-icons-world_link{ background:url('sprites/icons/icons.png'); top:-16; left:-16; no-repeat;} ... What about if I need to generate multiple sprites? --------------------------------------------------- Usually an app has more than one sprite and generate all of them one by one could be annoying. The suggested setup is to create a new folder for every sprite, and add inside all the images you need for each one. ``glue`` will create a new sprite for every folder if you use the ``--project`` argument:: images ├── actions │   ├── add.png │   └── remove.png ├── borders │   ├── top_left.png │   └── top_right.png └── icons ├── comment.png ├── new.png └── rss.png So now, running:: $ glue images sprites --project Will generate a new ``sprites`` folder with the images and the css inside:: sprites ├── actions.png ├── actions.css ├── borders.png ├── borders.css ├── icons.png └── icons.css And now? ----------------------------------- ``glue`` have some more magical powers inside! * :doc:`Retina sprites `: Do you want to make your sprites look good on any device? Read the :doc:`ratios documentation `. * Glue can also read the configuration from :doc:`static config files `. * We support `less `_! It's easy, add ``--less`` and ``glue`` will generate the CSS file with the ``.less`` extension. * Cache Busting? Yes! Add ``--cachebuster`` and ``glue`` will add the ``SHA1`` of the PNG sprite as a queryarg on the CSS files. Read the :doc:`options` page. * Still hungry? Read the :doc:`options` page to discover all the available settings.