Glue is a simple command line tool to generate sprites:
$ glue source output
- Automatic Sprite (Image + Metadata) creation including:
- css (less, scss)
- cocos2d
- json (array, hash)
- Automatic multi-dpi retina sprite creation.
- Support for multi-sprite projects.
- Create sprites from multiple folders (recursively).
- Multiple algorithms available.
- Automatic crop of unnecessary transparent borders around source images.
- Configurable paddings and margin per image, sprite or project.
- Watch option to keep glue running watching for file changes.
- Project-, Sprite- and Image-level configuration via static config files.
- Customizable output using jinja templates.
- CSS: Optional .less/.scss output format.
- CSS: Configurable cache busting for sprite images.
- CSS: Customizable class names.
- Installing Glue
- Quickstart
- Pseudo Classes
- Retina Sprites: Ratios
- Configuration files
- Templates
- Command line arguments
- -a –algorithm
- -c –crop
- –caat
- –cachebuster
- –cachebuster-filename
- –cachebuster-filename-only-sprites
- –cocos2d
- –css –img
- –css-template
- –force
- –follow-links
- –html
- –json
- –json-format
- -l –less
- –less-template
- –margin
- –namespace
- –no-img
- –no-css
- –ordering
- -p –padding
- –png8
- –project
- –pseudo-class-separator
- -q –quiet
- -r –recursive
- –ratios
- –retina
- -s –source -o –output
- –scss
- –scss-template
- –separator
- –sprite-namespace
- -u –url
- –watch
- Settings
- Changelog